
Monday, January 16, 2012


Fuhh! Fuhh! Fuhh! eeeeek~ there's a rat in my blog! okay that was weird.. "eeeek~" is a common words for girls actually. well.. i said it.. that doesn't mean im a girl.. okay.. straight to the point.. have you guys heard about "ewww" ? okay.. let me explain then.. "buat apew tuw?" and "wei bdx! aq xpuax aty ng ko,mk ko xajr k cne nk ckp?"  okay.. got i meant? these words, oh i mean our malay words has been polluted by some bunch of nerds.. they think that is cute.. otherwise, not at all.. why the hell are u using those kind of words? sometimes it kills my eyes.. its hard to pronouns it.. you know how long i take to read those kind of text? it takes several minutes.. to understand what were you saying.. eghh.. 



Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Da' Rules

There are rules in this world, without rules life could be miserable.. So, everyone have their rules.. As for me, my rules are simple..

Number 1.
Take it, and bring it back where it was.. as simple as that.. Do you need examples? okay.. here's one.. if you are playing with my stuff.. and place where it suppose to be at the first place.. crystal clear?

Number 2.
Play simple. Poking my ASS with keys is not a best way of approaching. Once awhile i'll be forgiving.. More than that.. sorry bros.. BLACKLISTED..

Number 3.
Never say marriage or engagement in front of me. Let me ask you a question.. Do you have guts to be somebody's in-law in the early age? do you think marriage is like "Hooray! so that we are married, Let's have SEX" is that it? marriage is not as fun as you think.. please be more of a thinker than a river.. im not offending, because im telling you is the truth.. if im lying.. Kill me.. As a friend, i want the best for you..  i know my language is not a proper language. i use them, for your own good sake.. not breaking your relationship.. im not jealous of your relationship.. i telling this not because of i hate you.. i hate your attitude.. which way suppose i have to say then? which way? i hope you understand..

Number 4.
Be nice to me, and i will be nice to you.. Give shit, i have no choice to to give CRAP on your face.. sorry.. that is what it has to be..

Thats all, i hope you will understand what i meant. Bear with my methods. I don't like SHITTY things.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


In my room doing nothing, just a glass of bottle, a 100plus and a bottle of mentos for my chewing activity.. What a boring holiday.. 3 weeks away from class and lectures.. and hoping for good grades and results from the previous final exam.. well, just so you know, im typing what had just across my head.. do understand me.. and dont ask me why.. cuz, im seriously half dead bored myself.. so this is what i do when im bored.. talking in my head to myself.. dont you think im crazy.. becuz, crazy people talk with their mouth wide open and they talks like a crazy person.. crazy people dont know what is a keyboard.. if you know what i mean.. xDD as for me, im not categorize as a crazy person.. im just a thinker, a mind talking, or what so ever..

Hmm.. okay, here's some brief.. i went to the market this morning and bought some fresh vegetables for lunch.. mama made a great vegetable soup.. i ate lots of them.. wooo~~ i can still smell them in my throat.. Then, after lunch.. i sat in front of my computer, tweeting, facebooking and oh! i finished the simpsons episode.. hahaha.. what a hilarious cartoon don't you think? and then, i've decided to write something, or i mean to type something on my blog.. so that i can see what i've done today.. soo~ i've been reading back this entry i did something new.. i went out from the house.. for 20minutes.. hahaha!

Here i am now, end up staring the monitor doing nothing.. i hate playing maple for now.. because nothing excites me anymore.. i just dont know why.. maybe my guild was tearing apart.. the people i know were no longer there.. where is the love of VOCALOIDS!!

k, guys.. thats all for today.. taa~ 

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Setiap insan ada minatnya tersendiri, terutama sekali dalam bidang pengajian.. kalau dah suka bercinta dgn komputer, kenapa amik engineering? amik la komputer sains ke, apa2 yang berkaitan dgn komputer.. Tapi, bukan benda tu yg saya nk ketengahkan.. tetapi.. INI! hehe xDD

KARA-Holic atau Kamilia, itulah sinonim bagi peminat kara.. hehe.. salah seorangnya.. tenh-teng-teng~ aku! ya.. aku mengaku aku minat kara.. kenapa? tgk la.. comel kot! ><

Tapi ada jugak yang offend aku, ye la, dorg ni budak2 lagi.. ade stengah orang dorg minat SNSD... dorg mmg hot.. kalah budak2 kara ni.. kalau tgk video klip diorg.. peh.. MELELEH! 

Setia pada yang satu itulah prinsip aku... Once a kamilia always a kamilia.. muahahahaha!!

so now guys, enjoy this.!! dedicated to YOU especially.. study smart.. less iced nescafe'.. okay?



Syukur kepada Allah, akhirnya selesai semesta pertama untuk degree.. tapi, banyak yang pahit daripada yang manis.. yang pahit perit adalah calculus, paling manis islamic studies.. hmm, fail atau lulus, bergantaung kepada lecturer..

Encik Kamaruddin tolong kasi lulus pon xpa.. aku xnk tgk lagi calculus.. aku nk free flow je.. tolong tolong.. aku nk smooth je degree ni.. xnak dah mcm diploma.. repeat.. repeat.. repeat.. haih.. sedih tahu? yang boleh buat sekarang adalah..... TAWAKKAL.. i did my best..

Okay! abis bab sedih.. bab happy pulak.. hehe.. hari ni, last paper, Pengajian Islam II (ISLB 212), paper 2jam stengah.. mulanya exam ni di pagi hari.. tepat jam 9.10am.. best tau jawab paper ni.. study pon mcm nak xnk.. ye lah.. berlagak, tips lecturer dah bagi, wat apa nk study.. hahaha.. sebijik pulak tuh! bukan tips namanya.. kan? hoho~ tapi yang paling buat aku nervous.. bila orang dah start kluar awal.. aku mula cemas.. dalam hati aku "wei! nape dorg ni kluar awal gila..?" bak kata org kelate.. "pah sore-sore tubik" aku mula xtenteram menjawab.. ye la.. mana xpressure nya.. orang kluar awal.. kalau stakat sorang xpe.. ni dah sbelah kiri,kanan,depan,belakang xde.. haih.. last2 skali.. xfikir apa2.. habis kan ayat terakhir.. aku terus bangun keluar dari dewan exam.. pehh.. lega rasanya.. hahaha.. maka tamat lah exam dan menanti result.. waaaaa~~~ jangan ada fail.. TOLONG!!!!

Malam terakhir di UNITEN main BADMINTON KAOKAO!! hehe.. penat, sakit abis badan. lama xmain.. maklum la.. nak exam kena brenti jap aktiviti malam.. hehe.. so, thats all guys.. esok nk start packing and balik rumah!! hoho~~ ALISA!! wait for meh~ and FAIRY TAIL!! weee~~ 
NIGHT Peeps~~

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tears Shed

Tersedar aku dari tidur dengan deringan telefon bimbit, bukan panggilan daripada awek, bukan BBM, bukan whatsapp, bukan sms dari sapa2.. Deringan e-mail daripada papa.. aku dah rasa pelik.. subject e-mail nya "Mum and Dad Luv U".. terukir dlm fikiran aku macam2.. are they okay? are they safe? ye la.. dorg xde kt KL.. dorg pegi JB teman kakak aku ada inspection kt JB..

Aku bangkit dari katil, bukak e-mail via laptop.. ye la.. nk bukak pakai blackberry susah sbb ada attachment video.. so, aku log in yahoo mail then download attachment tu.. 30minit menunggu.. akhirnya "DOWNLOAD COMPLETED" rupa2 nya.. video ni..

I shed tears in silence.. i knew they missed and love me a lot.. i wish i could hug them with all my heart.. but, i couldn't... EGO! i know! i know! im EGO! but, deep in my heart.. i LOVE them as more i love a girl.. mama... papa... im sorry im too ego to say I LOVE YOU in front of you guys.. This video opens my heart.. opens everything..*tears shedding*


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bachelors Day Out

Tido lambat, bangun lambat.. tu la remaja zaman sekarang.. pukul4 pagi tido, subuh kelaut, bangun pukul 12 tgh hari.. GREAT! mmg bagus anak bujang sorang ni.. not to mention, my room mate also woke up as late as i am.. hahaha! bangun je tido, mandi2 then terus shoot! ALAMANDA!

First thing first! masuk parking, cucuk duit, pegi beli ticket.. hehe.. nk tau? Sherlock Holmes : A Game Of Shadows.. Thanks to the GSC Movies, ticket rm7 pada hari rabu.. mmg murah murah murah.. Sepatutnya kteorg plan nk tgk hari first movie ni keluar, tapi nasib xbaik waktu tu kteorg ada exam, plus final dah dekat.. so, terpaksa la back dated sket.. jadi.. sementara menunggu movie ni start.. Oh, movie ni start pkul 4.15 ptg.. kteorg pegi la makan.. Lepas makan, hehe..

Alamanda & Arcade, memang xleh di pisahkan.. setiap kali ke alamanda.. mmg xsah kalau xpegi arcade.. nk tau apa kteorg buat? xkan la nk g cari awek kot.. HAH! ni dia!


Alisa Bosconovicth My Favorite Character
Isn't Shes Adorable?  >.<

Kalau korang nk tau.. game ni la yang selalu kteorg main.. walaupon game ni dah lama, tapi kalau g arcade ada je yang beratur ikut turn.. who wins, he's the KING! LOOSER? spare more token.. so, hari ni mmg xde luck main benda ni, ada pulak mamat bongkok sorang ni, mmg setiap kali pegi tekken je mesti dia ada.. cara dia main? xyah cakap.. cool je.. cara dia perform dlm game? xyah cakap.. GOD LIKE! Pro gila.. mmg jarang  skali nk kalahkan dia.. kalau menang pon satu round je.. I spent rm6 for Tekken.. semuanya buang macam tu je.. aku cakap kt nabil, dia ni mmg makan,tido,main tekken.. mane xpro nye.. ada sorang bro ni ckp, dia ni mmg slalu dtg main tekken.. aku dlm hati "dah cakap dah" kan? kalau tu je yg dia tau.. cuba suruh dia kira2.. mesti aku yang menang.. HAHAHAHA! *evil laugh*

The End for today.. Balik tgk movie.. ada pulak assignment menanti.. haih.. tgh2 final pon ada assignment. 
Thanks for reading.. ^^

Adakah Indah Khabar Dari Rupa? (KADANG-KADANG)

Kadang2 aku rasa pelik.. manusia zaman sekarang ramai yang pandai berlakon.. kadang2 kita confuse dgn apa yg di perbualkan.. contohnya "excited nya bila dpt jumpa dgn awak!". Adakah itu kata2 ikhlas dari hati? atau hanya manis di bibir?

Kadang2 juga kita syok sendiri bila orang sweet talk dgn kita, tapi hakikatnya itu adalah permainan semata-mata.. Kadang2 bila kita betul2, atau dgn erti kata lain kita BENAR-BENAR suka kepada orang tu, mesti la kita cepat2 meluahkan perasaan. Tetapi, nasib tidak menyebelahi kita, luahan perasaan hanya sia-sia. Sudah berkali-kali perkara ni berlaku. Bukan sahaja keatas diri aku sendiri, malahan kepada semua orang yg mencuba tackle awek2. betul dak?

Kadang2 perasaan cinta tu ada, tapi adakah cinta itu penting? Ya, cinta itu penting.. Kalau xde cinta xde anak.. wakakaka >.< ... ok2.. serius2.. permainan cinta ni bukan sahaja menaikkan nafsu.. ada faedah lain selain itu.. sama ada kita nak buat atau tidak.. dapat control makna nya "SAFE" kalau kecundang? maknanya "ANAK HARAM".. Dalam sudut pandangan aku, xsalah kita bercinta.. jangan lah smpai kita terlanjur macam2.. aku sendiri pun ada rasa nk bercinta semula.. tapi apa nk buat? belum jumpa Miss Right. tunggu sahaja.. benda tu akan datang, tapi segala benda xkn datang tanpa usaha..

Sebagai penutup tirai, sblm aku tido.. dah pukul 4.21 pagi.. aku masih belum tido.. ye la.. bersuka ria lepas azab dua paper pagi dan tgh hari tadi.. So, para pembaca, walaupon sedikit.. aku amat menghargai kamu semua.. kita semua adalah mutiara dunia.. jagalah tatatertib kita.. jangan sesekali lupa daratan..

tamat sesi luahan hati~

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Phew~ Lepas satu satu dugaan. Mcm tu la adab orang belajar. Nak buat macam mana, nasib seorang penimba ilmu. Belajar tiga bulan, makan tido makan tido~ Eh, tiba2 exam.. aduinyerr pun~~ bak kata member aku zia razif chee..

Oh2, ni nk cerita la sikit.. First pengalaman final exam di UNITEN.. Tau kn UNITEN? tak kan la tak tau pulak.. haih~ carik sendiri.. xpayah aku nk explain.. So, mcm ni la cerita nya.. Heh, first paper 28/12/2011 Advance Calculus.. Havoc! Havoc! Havoc! tak pernak aku dlm exam xsempat jawab semua soalan.. bayangkan 8 soalan dalam masa 2jam stengah..!! aku mcm.. haih.. berserah aje lah.. dah lah carry mark cukup2 makan.. entah lulus ke tidak.. passing mark kt sini 40% bersamaan "D" okay.. semua orang xnk markah mcm tu kan? pointer pn mestilah xcantik.. Tapi, benda sudah berlalu..... Let be gone by gone~

Then! Then! Then! paling teruk! EXAM = DEMAM bukan deman nk balik rumah.. Alah, rumah aku bukan jauh pn dari UNITEN, xsampai 15minit pon.. Ni serius serius demam.. jawab exam dalam keadaan yang tidak selesa.. Dengan selesemanya, dengan badan panasnya, hmm.. Dugaan.. PLUS! undang2 exam kt sini lain dari yang sikit, berbanding aku final exam kt UiTM dulu.. Kalau kat UiTM first 30mins xleh keluar tapi kat sini first 45mins.. aku mcm haih?? asal la lama sangat? tapi nk wat mcm mana.. ikut jela.. kat sini jgak, sempoi.. student g exam pakai slipar jepun! hahaha.. bukan nk gelak sbb dorg tak mampu nk beli kasut tapi pelik.. maybe aku dah terbiasa kot, final exam pakai kasut.. so, bagi deorg xpelik la kn? takpe lah.. universiti swasta what can you say? they make the rules, but we made it our own.. hahaha!

Sampai disini saja, aku nk explain banyak2 malas nk tulis.. hahaha.. tapi gatal nk wat blog gak.. nk tau lagi comment je~ xnk tau dok diam2.. xpayah nk komen pelik2.. tau?

The Beginning

Hello readers, 

Just so you know.. I'm starting this blog is for my own purposes.. So, if i have made any mistakes do feel free to comment.. This blog is about all around us.. I will try my best to get things interesting time by time..

Google Image

Therefore, do enjoy the post will I posted in future. In the mean time, i'm busy with final exams..
So, sit back and enjoy reading other's first.. 

I'm not trying to be famous or something else.
If you think my entry are interesting do share with others.. Okay? Love, Hugs, Kisses...

Always Rage, signing out~